
1.7 KiB

Build Status License: AGPL v3


A portfolio made with SvelteKit, TailwindCSS, and DaisyUI.

Building manually

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload
$ npm run dev

# build and run
$ npm run build
$ node build

Building with docker (compose)

# Build + run the dockerfile while publishing port 3000
$ docker build -t portfolio2023 .
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 portfolio2023

# Or, just use the docker-compose file
$ docker-compose up -d

Adding a project

Create a new [slug].md file in src/routes/projects, following the template:

name: "Template Project"
dateOfCompletion: "January 01, 1960"
summary: "..."

languages: [ ... ]
technologies: [ ... ]
genres: [ ... ]

screenshots: 0

demoUrl: "https:// ..."
releaseUrl: "https:// ..."
sourceUrl: "https:// ..."


Next, create a directory with the path static/images/projects/[slug] and put in the following images:

  • logo.jpg
  • ss1.jpg
  • ss2.jpg
  • ... (keep adding screenshots until you reach the screenshots field you specified in [slug].md)

Adding an employment

Create a new [slug.md] file in src/routes/aboutme, following the template:

title: "Template Employment"
role: "Software Engineer"
hours: "Full-time"
startDate: "1960-01-01"
endDate: "1961-01-01" # pick between specifying "endDate" or "duration", but not both
duration: "1 year"


Next, add a logo with the path static/images/employment/[slug].jpg.